About MeAbout

Hello! My name is Cory Thomas, a web developer based in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Interestingly, my journey into programming started because of the Oculus Rift Development Kit 1 VR headset. I would browse the Oculus forums and noticed several people discussing code which made me want to dive into C++ in 2013. Eventually, I went to college for Computer Science but took a hiatus after two years because I was unsure of what I wanted to specialize in. I remembered my time in high school when I was in the Web Development club and so I started to dabble with it again. Unfortunately, I didn't know that I enjoyed web development back then since I didn't take the club seriously enough. In contrast, I fully committed myself by self-studying for over a year and knew this field was absolutely for me! As a result, I attended Lambda School full time as a full-stack web student and mentor focusing on React, Node, and computer science.

This journey has been extremely satisfying so far and fulfills my desire to always learn something new and challenging.


JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Styled Components, React, React Hooks, Context API, Redux


Node, Express, Postgres, SQLite


Git, GitHub, Jest, Cypress, React Testing Library


Human Rights First: Asylum Analysis

React application built for a non-profit organization (Human Rights First) that allows its users to analyze court rulings made by judges for specific asylum cases.

Worked on a remote cross-functional team of 7, consisting of web and data science developers.

Project Blog/Details [dev.to]

Plant Purpose

Plant Purpose is a React application and plant management system, which helps plant owners take better care of their plants.

Partnered with a web designer for the design side of the site.

Designer: Hanina Syed
Her LinkedIn: LinkedIn Link

Project Blog/Details [dev.to]
Deployed Site

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